Abdelhamid Tayebi - PhD., PEng., FIEEE, FIET, FEIC


Distinguished Professor and Research Chair
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Lakehead University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy)
Western University

Founder & Director
Robotics & Automatic Control Laboratory


Office: ATAC 5005 Tel: +1(807) 343-8010 ext. 8597
Adress: 955 Oliver Road,E-mail: atayebi@Lakeheadu.ca
Thunder Bay, Ont., P7B5E1, Canada                           URL: https://atayebi.lakeheadu.ca/

Current Research Interests

Our current research interests are in the broad areas of control systems and robotics. We primarily focus on the design of estimation and control algorithms, with provable stability guarantees, for unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. We are particularely involved in the development of vision-aided inertial navigation systems for UAV applications in GPS-denied environments.
